Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Plz read!

hey this is princess770 and i know what ur thinking why is princess on candi's blog well im here to help take care of candi's blog cuz her internet connection is very slow so it takes houres for postes to load on her computer


  1. hi candi! i always give her autos and once she gave me 1!! could u plz add me (david0069151) thx ;)

  2. hi im hotty 97432 plz say hi or even .... ill be graitfull thx for churr time <3

  3. Hi David.. Thank you for the autos. I will add when I can. Hundreds of people ask me everyday but my connection is so slow i cant. So I have been adding a few at a time and helping them and then I will delete them. I want to add that even not being an added friend you are sill my friend :)

  4. Hi Candi Lexy Me Lexy here! I am your biggest Fan ever!!!!! I asked my mum if I can have a t-shirt with you! xD so could you pls bee my friend!? :)

  5. Hi Candi ^^ could you reply i think i gave you autos idk lol

  6. Please could you add me on msp my usernames CheerleaderRockz122 thankyou if you do xx (:
