Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Plz watch Life of Candired Part 1 & 2

ppl that watch & comment Might get added.


  1. I have watched them I feel really sorry for you. I would never be able to cope with what you go through everyday xx primrosy1

  2. i have watched them and have some advice/something to ask from you.

    i do feel honestly feel sorry for you and some people are just so immature but...

    please don't quit because its not just u that gets bullied and your a role model to all the people that do also get bullied by u leaving u would have let the hate get to u and saying that the haterz have won. please hang in there for just a bit longer please and if it really does get that bad leave MSP because no one deserves to surfer as much as you do...

    just my honest opinion

    ~luvmeozzy26 (my msp)

  3. I've watched then i feel very sorry for you but please add me now :(
